A program that works internally and externally; preparing returning citizens for release, understanding their barriers and struggles, and supporting them upon reentry for a new life.
- Connect resources to address individual assessments, education, and career options
- Provide a positive focus or vision in everyday life
- Address educational goals
- A holistic approach to assess and eliminate barriers and challenges
- Understanding a need for decompression to reenter to society
- Constant personal development and discussions
- Team members have true experience with the reentry process

“I’ve been in jail 37 times in my life and with the help of this program I was able to pass my GED, which is actually the first thing I’ve ever accomplished in my life. It showed me that there is so much more I can accomplish if I set my mind to it. I can’t thank them enough for changing my life.”
- Tom
“I can’t thank them enough for all the hours they have put into helping me. All they wanted was gratification of watching me pass the test, which I did!”
- Richie
“The Reach Success Program at Lake Erie Correctional Institute helped many inmates and prepared them for the GED and also trained the inmates to become tutors themselves. The program helped anyone that needed one-on-one comprehensive help. Reach Success prepares individuals for a productive and healthy future. The test scores significantly increased (98% passage) and it has helped multiple men pass their TABE test, Pre-GED test and obtain their GED. It has been truly an exemplary program at Lake Erie Correctional.”
- Jay, Assistant Warden